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School Council

School Council

At St. Davids we believe that parents are important and make a real difference to our children's learning. School Council allows everyone involved in school life, parents, students, school staff, and the wider community, to work together to support the school. At St.Davids we are fortunate to have an active School Council that meets six times a year at 5:45 pm..  At each meeting the principal discusses, and keeps council up to date, on issues and events that affect our school and children. A staff members is in attendance to relay to the council what students are working on and to share some of the new strategies for learning that are applied to their classrooms. School Council allows parents the opportunity to hear the principal and teachers first hand, and to voice opinions and help decide how best to allocate the fundraising money within our school. I would like to extend an invitation to everyone to join in School Council. It is a worthwhile way of staying connected to your child's school.

All parents and caregivers are welcome at Council meetings and as volunteers for the many activities at St. Davids School. For further information, please contact the school.

School Council Co-chairs:  Melissa Tregunno, Corrie Nickel

Secretary:           Lori Valstar

Treasurer:           Christina Szewczyk            

School Council Members:

Judith Atwood, Christina Szewczyk, Adriana Miele,

School Council Minutes September 22